If you want to attract an honorable lady, be an honorable man.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Family Camp!

Oh yes, its that time of year, where all of the families in church go hang out in the cool woods of Prescott for almost two days, and enjoy ourselves to death. I fished, hung out, threw a football in and around trees, fished, talked, shot spiders in the bathroom with my airsoft pistol, fished, shot my slingshot at random objects, had goofy camera-shot wars, fished, sword-fought, tried not to fall asleep during sermons, fished, ate (a LOT, you'd be surprised at how much your appetite increases in the woods), ran around a meadow under the stars at high speeds late at night, fished, laughed till I cried, fished...... you got the point. Yes, I fished a lot, but it wasn't in vain. I always look forward to Family Camp, and this year was no disappointment. Here are the best of the best pics.
The lake - in all its beauty 
Teacher and apprentices 

First fish

Noah caught this beaut on a piece of wild apple - no joke. 

Colin F. very proudly displays his catch

Mr. M with his good sized bass
The waters beckon me......

Noah's second catch, a nice 2 pounder
....And my glorious catch, a lovely 2  1/2 pounds
Jake M. 

The Two Amigos

The Three Amigos

The KA-BAR, at home in the environment

Nice macro shot I did to keep myself awake during service. (Wow, I never knew my camera could do macro that nice.) 

"I lift mine eyes...."

Another nice Macro shot

Camera wars...
Luke (far left) demonstrating his bottle rocket (from a safe distance) 

Liftoff (it easily went 100+ feet in the air)

The meadow where the games take place

Young and enjoying it

The crafty warrior

Ok, ok, I was told to pose, what else was I supposed to do??

The battle rages

The carnage of Matt 

While the others play field games, Tanner plays mind games
Monkeying around

.....and of course.  After all, what's camping without a fire? 


  1. Great pics, David! Sure was a fun weekend!
    -Brennan C.

  2. That was a FUN Family Camp....but I think you turned Lis and Jessie off of fishing :-) Good pictures!

  3. That was a great family camp. I really enjoyed the speakers, too.

  4. That two Amigos picture is great! It's a shame CRBC doesn't do something like that :(

    PS I responded to your comment.

  5. That was one awesome year! And, by the way...I'm not turned off of fishing. I just want to catch something for a change :)

    Great pictures.....who was the main photographer?


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